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Food Service Demand to Remain Depressed through Mid-2022


Will Sawyer of CoBank recently projected that food service demand would not be restored to pre-COVID levels until this second half of 2022.  Sawyer noted that U.S. food consumption at home is at levels corresponding to the early 1980’s and that meat and food distribution has undergone profound changes since the emergence of COVID-19.


Sawyer writing in the CoBank Knowledge Exchange Division report stated, “As U.S. animal protein consumption slowly returns to normal, the food service section will still lag.”  He added, “That means a challenging outlook for food service-focused animal proteins including high-value beef cuts, poultry produced for food services specifications and labor-intensive processed meat products.”  Sawyer opined that fast-casual and quick service restaurants had recovered a large measure of their pre COVID sales by operating drive thru, curbside and in-store pick-up and home and office delivery.

Will Sawyer, CoBank