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MOBA Innovations at 2022 IPPE


In their 75th anniversary year, MOBA unveiled three new products at the 2020 IPPE. These included:-

  • Vision™ crack detector: This technology represents a departure from conventional audio-based crack detection that requires contact with the shell surface.  The innovative Vision™ system can recognize shell defects in eggs regardless of shell color.  The detector system incorporates an artificial intelligence capability created using multiple thousands of sample images.
  • Egg inspector 40 with the EggQualizer option:  This allows the Egg Inspector module to be set to any desired quality standard in order to maximize saleable eggs consistent with quality and price requirements.
  • Egg-wash extender: This module that can be retrofitted to existing installations extends washing time and hence the efficiency of the process.  This module is especially beneficial for aviary installations where the proportion of soiled eggs is frequently higher than with conventional cage-derived product.




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