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Walmart Initiates Training Program for Store Managers


Egg-NewsIn a May 17th posting of Q1 results, Walmart, Inc., pointed to inflation as a reason for an unexpectedly lower bottom line.  CEO, Doug McMillon, noted inflation affecting transport, cost of goods and especially wages.  The ability of a company such as Walmart, one of the nation’s largest non-government employers to recruit workers, is evidenced by hiring close to 500,000 people over six weeks between March and May of 2020 at the onset of COVID.  Many of these workers have since been deployed to stores, distribution centers and other company facilities.


Walmart has recognized that store managers are critical to profitability.  The majority of those responsible for the approximately 4,700 U.S. stores have worked their way up from hourly employment assisted by in-company training.


Egg-NewsFaced with the reality that many managers will have to be replaced due to retirement and attrition, Walmart has initiated the College2Career program.  The intent is to appoint recent college graduates at a starting annual wage of approximately $65,000 and train them during a two-year program to manage a store.  The initiative was initiated with two recruits, with the intention to expand to 1,000 appointees on a fast track to a position that, with seniority, can pay $200,000 annually.


Regional executives of Walmart have been requested to establish relationships with local colleges in order to recruit trainees.