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MOBA MOPACK 100 and 150 Farm Packers


The MOBA MOPACK 100 Farm Packer rated at 100 cases per hour and the Model 150 capable of 150 cases per hour combine high capacity with gentle handling of eggs.

The MOPACK 100 applies a carousal concept with eggs accumulated and placed on rollers.  Packing continues even if individual eggs are not grasped and positioned.  This allows continuous packing close to theoretical maximum rate with gentle handling.


The MOPACK 150 uses an intelligent accumulator system allowing six eggs to be packed in each cycle.  Eggs pass an accumulator that is speed-controlled based on the entry of eggs from collecting belts.  The accumulator conveyor divides eggs into six channels to be transferred to infeed rollers.  Eggs are then moved to transport cups that allow a controlled and guided drop in to moving trays.


MOPACK Farm Packers are designed for ease of cleaning with any high-pressure system. 


MOPACK 100 and 150 Farm Packers can be coupled with a MOBA tray palletizer reducing on-farm labor.


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