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Restaurant Brands International to Promote Burger King


During September 2022, Restaurant Brands International (RBI) announced an initiative to invest in the Burger King brand under the slogan, “Reclaim the Flame”.  The project involved upgrading stores and improving menus. 


More recently, RBI has initiated the “Fuel the Flame” program that will involve investment of  $150 million in promotion and digital initiatives.  An additional $250 million will be allocated towards a “Royal Reset” for remodeling and relocation of stores including the installation of more modern kitchen and serving equipment. 


Restaurant Brands International recognize the need to uplift the Burger King brand that is regarded as being in third place after McDonald’s® and Wendy’s® among traditional burger chains. Traditional burger chains are now competing for customers with closely held QSRs including Chick-fil-A® and other public traded chains including Yum! Brands in addition to ethnic oriented restaurants offering a wide range of menus.


Restaurant Brands International also operate Tim Horton’s®, Popeye’s® and Firehouse Subs®.