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Schouten No-Egg White Honored at Anuga Trade Show


Schouten Europe a manufacturer of a plant-based egg white was recognized at the Anuga Taste Innovation Show held recently in Cologne Germany.  The product is manufactured from soy protein and canola oil and is claimed to mimic the texture and taste of egg white.


The product No-Egg White is marketed as a versatile ingredient suitable for salads, wraps and sandwiches as demonstrated in the company booth.


Schouten Europe is satisfying the demand for plant-based alternatives emerging in Europe with a broad range of largely unsubstantiated claims of nutritional value, sustainability and welfare.


Assigning the top innovation award to Schouten, No-Egg White, the panel of experts comprising journalists and food professionals recognized innovation and taste as attributes.  Schouten distributes the product to the food industry in Europe in nine-lb. packs that require refrigeration.


In commenting on the recognition of the No-Egg White product, Niek Schouten, COO of his company stated, “I believe taste really is king and that’s what we’re showing with our vegan egg white salad on toast.”  He added, “With this product consumers don’t need to sacrifice taste and will benefit from convenience.”