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Almark Foods Appoints CEO


The directors of Almark Foods announced the appointment of Rick Anderson as the CEO of Almark Foods, founded in 1990 and subsequently acquired in 2005 by John Stanton and Don Stoner who expanded the enterprise.  Anderson was most recently the CEO of Gold Coast Bakeries and has twenty years experience in food manufacturing and production of branded, private label, and co-packed foods.


Almark is a leading manufacturer of hard-boiled eggs, egg products for retail and food service and speciality items under the Artisan Kitchens brand.  Almark Foods operates plants in Yuma, AZ, Gainesville, GA, in addition to facilities in South Carolina and Tennessee.


On commenting on the appointment Don Stoner, Co-founder and Director, noted “We are confident that Rick, a seasoned executive who has shown the ability to grow and scale businesses is the right person to take Almark Foods to the next level.”  Anderson noted “There is a tremendous opportunity for the company to continue its amazing growth and Almark Foods is a leader in the category for convenient on-the-go foods that provide high protein and good nutrition.”

Rick Anderson