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Novel Approach to IB Vaccine Ineffective


Dr. Brian Jordan of the Department of Population Health and Poultry Science at the University of Georgia attempted to develop a novel infectious bronchitis (IB) vaccine using vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) carrying IB spike protein of Georgia 08 variant.  The project #709, funded by the USPOULTRY Foundation evaluated immunogenicity of the GA 08-b VSV construct in specific pathogen-free chicks. Unfortunately the candidate vaccine virus was inadequately immunogenic irrespective of various routes of administration.


It is possible that research resulting from the development of a COVID-19 vaccine might eventually be applied to an infectious bronchitis product given molecular biological similarities among coronaviruses.  It is hoped that scientists at the University of Georgia will continue to pursue the development of alternative vaccines. Current live attenuated products while providing levels of immunity adequate to suppress clinical signs and mortality. Commercial vaccines are frequently unable to provide solid protection against continually emerging variants that are financially significant in terms of degradation of performance and shell quality.