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Consumers Facing Food Price Inflation


According to a report issued by the Bureau of Labor Statistics on Wednesday, October 13th, consumer prices rose 5.4 percent in September 2021 compared to the corresponding month in 2020.  Food purchased for home consumption rose 4.5 percent over the twelve-month period mainly due to the rise in center-of-plate protein.  Beef and veal increased by 17.8 percent, pork by 12.7 percent and chicken showed a more moderate 7.6 percent increase year-over-year. Inflation in food prices was reflected in fast food and fast casual menu prices. Full-service restaurant prices were up 5.2 percent with QSRs up 6.7 percent year-over-year in September.


Although the escalation in protein products was notable, increases in cost attributed to production, labor and transport added to increased shelf prices.  Fruits and vegetables were up three percent, fats and oils 6.9 percent and prepared salads, 6.8 percent.  In contrast, dairy products only rose 0.6 percent.  The velocity of the increase was noticeable in September with higher prices compared to July and August of 2021.


The retail price of eggs was up 12.6 percent in September. Weekly reports on egg statistics in EGG-NEWS have commented on the divergence between wholesale prices for eggs based on a national price discovery system and corresponding retail shelf prices. Traditional supermarket chains consistently maintain high margins that disfavor volumes of purchase to the detriment of the industry.