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Labor Availability To Be Tight During Summer


Egg-NewsDuring the approaching summer available workers will be in short supply, including teenagers who traditionally work in the restaurant and the leisure sectors.  It is estimated that 30 million workers are responsible for 10 percent of annual U.S. gross national product with the period of major activity extending from Memorial Day to Labor Day. Currently employment in the restaurant sector is seven percent below February 2020 prior to the impact of COVID.


The Administration will make an additional 35,000 seasonal-worker visas available for summer, adding to the 66,000 normally extended to guest workers.  This provision will be inadequate, given the national estimate of 11.5 million unfilled jobs.


Egg-NewsA robust, functional and profitable restaurant industry maintains prices for all agricultural commodities, including eggs. Higher wages paid by the restaurant and leisure industry will compete with the need for seasonal labor on farms.