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California Water Conservation Measures


In an August 11th address, Gavin Newsom Governor of California announced a $8 billion initiative over two years to store, recycle and desalinate water.  The program will benefit more than 8.4 million households by 2040.


The program will include:-


  • Increasing storage space for up to 4 million acre-feet of water to capture and store water from storms and ice melt.


  • Recycling and reuse of 800,000 acre-feet of water annually by 2030 reducing the quantity released to the Pacific Ocean


  • More efficient water use and conservation allowing for retention of 500,000 acre-feet of water each year


  • Capturing stormwater and desalinating both ocean water and salt-laden water in groundwater basins


Dave Puglia CEO and president of Western Growers’ stated, “We applaud this bold and comprehensive water infrastructure and management strategy.”  He added, “Our farms are in distress due to water insecurity, increasingly placing millions of Californians in our agricultural regions at greater risk of economic harm.”


Ian LeMay president of the California Fresh Fruit Association stated, “This plan recognizes the need to expand on existing surface and groundwater infrastructure while streamlining the process to get construction started on new storage projects.” 


California officials are committed to expediting the program given the urgency of climate-driven changes evidenced by drought and reduced availability of water.