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Tyson Ventures Selects Startups For Support


Following the recent Tyson Ventures Demo Day, the Company selected six startups from twenty participants to receive future support.  It is evident that Tyson Ventures, a subsidiary of Tyson Foods, Inc., recognizes the potential for the six enterprises to respond to significant challenges facing the company and the industry. Through Tyson Ventures, the Company is able to identify prospects and is willing to support companies that could contribute to sustainability, welfare and improvement of the environment.  Companies selected were:

  • Biolonix, Inc., a company with proprietary technology to reduce biological and chemical contaminants in water.
  • AgThera, a developer of innovative bio-therapeutics with antimicrobial activity to replace antibiotics.
  • FR8Relay, a company with expertise in logistics of trucking to reduce cost and promote sustainability.
  • Grain4Grain, a company with technology capable of converting biological waste and food byproducts into ingredients for feed and materials.
  • Vanguard Renewables, a developer of systems to convert food and dairy waste to renewable energy.
  • Tangible Robotics, a developer of automation demonstrating on-line dexterity with potential to be applied to processing.


Veronica Tapis Banuelos, a member of the Demo Day review team stated, “There is tremendous talent and innovation in these early startups and Tyson Foods has an opportunity to learn by collaborating with these young tech companies to create movements intended to disrupt the marketplace.” 


Tyson is obviously intrigued by companies that can reduce greenhouse gas emission, eliminate waste, promote animal and flock welfare, apply regenerative agriculture and prudent management of water and effluent.


John R. Tyson, Executive Vice President and Chief Sustainability Officer, stated, “This effort is surfacing the best and brightest innovations to tackle complex industry challenges.”  He added, “We are excited about the promise each startup brings to create a comprehensive approach to sustainable food production.”


Tyson Foods has clearly defined challenges that will be facing the company and competitors in the near and intermediate term.  Brand image and hence, loyalty, will depend on the ability of food producers to convince customers and consumers of their environmental integrity and ability to enhance sustainability through the entire chain of production.  Identifying small companies with applicable technology and nurturing their growth through financing and providing applications will be beneficial to Tyson Foods and ultimately the livestock industry.