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Sad Passing of Dr. Mahesh Kumar


Dr. Mahesh Chandra Kumar passed on November 23rd at the age of 87 at his home in Sartell, MN.  He was born in 1935 in India and was displaced by the 1947 Partition resulting in relocation to the state of Bihar.  He earned a degree in veterinary medicine and animal husbandry in India and a doctorate from the University of Minnesota in1962.  His post-doctoral studies were under Dr. Ben Pomeroy studying the epidemiology and pathogenesis of Salmonella and Mycoplasma infection in turkeys.


Dr. Kumar was a lifetime member of the American Association of Avian Pathologist and was appointed to the Minnesota State Board of Animal Health.  He consulted for the World Health Organization and the U.S. Department of State.


He is survived by his wife, four children and grandchildren.  He will be sadly missed.