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USDA Predicts Fall in Egg Price


Dr. Seth Meyer, USDA Chief Economist, predicts that wholesale egg prices will fall by 27 percent in 2023.  Speaking at the USDA Agricultural Outlook Forum, Meyer noted that the projection assumes an end to the avian influenza epornitic. This disease has resulted in the depopulation of 44 million hens over a 12-month period with an ongoing deficit of 20 million birds in the national flock during 2022.  It is highly likely that Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza is now endemic, at least regionally and seasonally in the U.S., placing the projection of future egg prices in question.


USDA forecasts a four percent increase in table egg production during 2023, again, based on repopulation of flocks and limited expansion.


Wholesale prices fell for seven consecutive weeks through mid-February with the past three weeks showing higher wholesale values consistent with an increase in demand.


The USDA-ERS would be more helpful to both producers and store chains if they restore reliable weekly statistics for wholesale and retail prices of the various sizes and categories of table eggs.