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Associated Grocers Assisting Independent Supermarkets with Traceability


Associated Grocers has partnered with ReposiTrak to deploy traceability technology to support independent supermarkets in five southern states.  The objective is to assist their customers to comply with traceability requirements under the Food Safety and Modernization Act. (FSMA)


Associated Grocers achieved compliance under FSMA Section 204 during 2021 with the recognition of their responsibility to assist independent supermarkets to comply with record- keeping in advance of the January 2026 deadline.  At this time in the event of a recall it will be necessary for retailers to remove potentially contaminated food from their stores requiring a comprehensive chain of traceability.


David Politc, senior vice president and CIO for Associated Grocers noted, “Food traceability adds a new layer of complexity to day-to-day operations for many of our members and it was important for us to tackle this problem and find a solution that works for these retailers.”


The need for a system is indicated by the fact that at least one month after the recall of pouches of applesauce puree contaminated with lead, the affected product was still on shelves at two dollar-chains exposing infants and children to a potentially toxic product. This product is responsible for over 300 confirmed cases and many as yet undiagnosed.