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Agricultural Fairs to Receive Aid


Due to the advent of COVID-19, most 2020 state and county fairs will be cancelled with losses to organizers, civic agencies and exhibitors.


Reps. Jimmy Panetta (D-CA) and Billy Long (R-MO) have introduced the Agricultural Fairs Rescue Act to provide assistance to organizers of state and county fairs.  The legislation would provide $500 million in grant funding to maintain critical infrastructure and operations in anticipation of re-opening in 2021. 


Rep. Panetta stated, "county and local fairs are very important to agriculture and our communities all across our country.  Fairs provide our producers with the opportunity to market their crops and livestock and foster the next generation of farmers". 


The National Association of State Departments of Agriculture (NASDA) supports the Agricultural Fairs Rescue Act.  The CEO of NASDA stated, "the global pandemic has caused fair cancellations around the country in unprecedented numbers.  As a result of these cancellations, fairs are facing dire financial hardship".