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Hillandale Farms Accused of Price Gouging


According to recent press reports, New York Attorney General, Letitia James has filed a civil lawsuit against Hillandale Farms claiming that the company unjustly increased prices during the period of COVID-related consumer buying.  During late March and extending into mid-April, demand for eggs, other protein foods and groceries soared disrupting supply chains and inflating prices.


Numerous complaints were filed with office of the Attorney General of the State of New York with respect to meat, eggs and other items especially with respect to stores located in areas with low-income demographics in urban areas in New York State.  Similar lawsuits have been filed alleging unjustified price increases by Attorneys General of other states. 


The outcome of these lawsuits will have bearing on future events including the possibility of catastrophic disease. Price increases reflecting disparity in supply and demand occurred in 1984 in the Northeast and in 2015 nationally following outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza.  The role of Urner Barry price discovery will also be scrutinized as there is a belief in the industry that quotations effectively amplify price fluctuation in the market.