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Albertsons Named Retailer of the Year by Supermarket News


Following their recent IPO, Albertsons was named retailer of the year for 2020 by Supermarket News. In announcing the award, Michael Browne, Executive Editor of Supermarket News stated, "there have been an unprecedented series of events this year that have impacted all of us and certainly the grocery industry".  He added "by heading into 2020 and through the turbulent year so far, Albertsons has endured because with its sales momentum, immediate strong response to COVID-19, efforts to promote diversity, equality and inclusion and introduction of technology". 


Under the leadership of CEO Vivek Sankaran who joined the company in 2019, Albertsons has expanded their Own Brands portfolio, built an omnichannel infrastructure and expanded the loyalty program. Sankaran stated, "with the tremendous challenges faced by everyone in the retail industry since the beginning of 2020 it is a remarkable time to be named Retailer of Year". 

Vivek Sankaran CEO Albertsons


Albertsons is ranked number four in sales and number twelve by number of stores on the Supermarket News 2020-list of the top seventy-five grocery retailers and wholesalers.  Counting all banners, Albertsons has 2,252 food and drug stores in 34 states and operates 1,726 pharmacies, 402 fuel locations and 23 distribution centers.