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National Association of Chain Drug Stores Urges Seasonal Flu Vaccination


The National Association of Chain Drug Stores has initiated a campaign to encourage administration of seasonal influenza vaccines.  The problem of vaccination is intensified in 2020 given the prevalence of COVID-19.  Many supermarket chains with pharmacies will be offering vaccines to enhance protection for staff and recipients.  Wegmans will be offering influenza vaccination clinics including community events and drive-through programs.


Influenza is responsible for millions of cases each year, many requiring hospitalization and fatalities extend into many thousands depending on strain and weather conditions.  It is important to prevent influenza by vaccination to spare medical resources to treat COVID patients.


Again, EGG-NEWS strongly urges producers to ensure that plant and farm workers are protected against seasonal strains using available vaccines.  With the approach of Fall, vaccination clinics should be planned for September. There will be increased demand for vaccines in the next six weeks suggesting administration this month to ensure availability and to allow immunity to develop before mid-October.