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McDonalds Reports on Q4 and FY 2020


In a press release dated January 28th 2021 McDonald’s Corp. (MCD) announced results for Q4 and FY 2020 ending December 31st 2020.


The following table summarizes the results for the period compared with the values for the corresponding quarter of the previous fiscal year (Values expressed as US$ x 1,000 except EPS)

Chris Kempczinski

4th Quarter Ending December 31st



Difference (%)





Gross profit Company operated stores:




Operating income:




Pre-tax Income

Net Income







Diluted earnings per share:




Gross Margin Company stores (%)




Operating Margin (%)




Profit Margin (%)




Long-term Debt and lease obligations:




12 Months Trailing:

Return on Assets (%)


Return on Equity (%)


Operating Margin (%)


Profit Margin (%)


Total Assets




Market Capitalization



52-Week Range in Share Price: $124.23 to $237.91 50-day Moving average $212.02


Market January 28 14H45 EST post release $208.39 (+0.6 percent)


Forward P/E 25.2 Beta 0.6


For FY 2020 MCD earned $4.731 billion on revenue of $19.208 billion with an EPS of $6.31

For FY 2019 MCD earned $6.025 billion on revenue of $21.364 billion with an EPS of $7.88


In commenting on Q4 and FY 2020 results Chris Kempczinski, president and CEO stated “2019 marked a year of significant milestones for McDonald's - including surpassing $100 billion in systemwide sales and achieving our highest global comparable sales growth in over a decade,” He added “through the execution of our Velocity Growth Plan, we once again served more customers the food they crave, marking three consecutive years of global comparable guest count growth.”


Kempczinski noted, "The broad-based momentum around the world continues to demonstrate the strength of the Velocity Growth Plan and the dedication of millions of global crew members executing that plan in McDonald's restaurants each and every day. He concluded “strong global comparable sales growth of 5.9 percent demonstrated broad-based strength with increases in the International Operated segment of 6.2 percent, the U.S. of 5.1 percent and the International Developmental Licensed segment of 6.6 percent.