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Darling Ingredients to Establish R&D Center in North Carolina


According to an April 14th company release, Darling Ingredients will establish an R&D center in Apex, NC. for their EnviroFlight subsidiary.  The company will conduct evaluation of black soldier flies and larvae for applications in animal nutrition, and other products.  EnviroFlight operates a commercial scale unit in Maysville, KY.

Liz Koutsos

In commenting on the proposed facility, Dr. Liz Koutsos, President of EnviroFlight, stated “Research and development is our focus for EnviroFlight with our research team and dedicated engineers focused on all aspects of insect biology and production including genetics, immunology, animal nutrition, and innovative engineering solutions.”  She added, “As part of our growth plan we are excited to invest in a new R&D and corporate center in Apex, NC and to join the robust Triangle Region AgTech community.”