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Post Holdings Q2 Results


On May 6th Post Holdings (POST) released results for Q2 of FY 2021 ending March 31st . For the quarter the Company earned $ 109.9 million on revenue of $1,483 million with an EPS of $1.69. For the corresponding quarter of 2020 Post holdings lost $191.4 million on revenue of $ 1,494 million with an EPS of $(2.76).


The Company owns Michael Foods and acquired Hennigsen Foods in July 2020 and Almark Foods in February 2021. The financial performance of the three egg-related subsidiaries are incorporated in the Food Service and Refrigerated Retail segments.


The Company report noted “egg volume declined by 9.3 percent” during the second quarter.


The Food Service segment generated a contribution of $8.8 million on sales of $369 million. The Refrigerated Retail segment contributed $24.2 million to corporate earnings on sales of $240 but these values include diverse brands and products.