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USPOULTRY Funded Projects to be Presented at the 2022 IPPE


For the fifth consecutive year, recipients of USPOULTRY Foundation Funding will present the results of their investigations as TECHTalks during the 2022 IPPE on Thursday Janury 27th in the TECHTalks theater B8579.  Presentations of relevance to egg production include:-


  • Effect of varying protein/amino acid level of diets with or without protease to reduce feed cost, improve egg quality and egg solids in post-peak and late-lay. Dr. Pratima Adhikari, Assistant Professor Department of Poultry Science Mississippi State University. 10H30 to 10H50.
  • Molecular typing of current reovirus variant strains. Dr. Rodrigo Gallardo, Associate Professor in Poultry Medicine School of Veterinary Medicine University of California-Davis. 11H30 to 11H50.