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Benefits Of Federal Export Promotion Funding


Egg-NewsThe U.S. Agricultural Export Development Council an industry association has evaluated the beneficial impact of the USDA Market Access Program (MAP) and the Foreign Market Development program (FMD).  The study demonstrated that the combined effect of export promotion increased trade by $9.6 million annually over the period 1977 to 2019. Based on the review of data, the Council estimated a 24 to 1 return on export promotion funding.


Egg-NewsDuring the previous Administration, the MAP and FMD were instrumental in developing and supporting new markets for commodities and animal products. Identifying prospective importers was required to compensate for retaliatory measures imposed by China during the tariff war that developed from 2017 onwards.


All sectors of the U.S. poultry industry benefit from export as a result of MAP including support for the USAPEEC.