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International Meeting on Avian Influenza Vaccination


The commentary in this edition of EGG-NEWS highlights the persistence of H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza in Europe.


On October 25th, the International Alliance for Biological Standardization (IABS) has organized a conference entitled High Pathogenicity Avian Influenza Vaccination Strategies to Prevent and Control HPAI: Removing Unnecessary Barrier to Usage.  The meeting will be held in Paris over two consecutive days with an international scientific committee responsible for the program.  The members include Dr. David Swayne as chair with representatives of FAO, WOAH and the IBAS.  The program will consider the current status of vaccination against HPAI; factors inhibiting preventive vaccination; constraints to vaccination from trade restrictions; available vaccines; surveillance of vaccinated flocks and public health considerations. The program will include panel discussions and breakout groups with a review of case studies.


The October meeting confirms mounting pressure for vaccination as a preventive measure to limit the financial and logistic costs associated with traditional depopulation appropriate for exotic diseases in nations with intensive livestock populations.