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U.S. CBP Confiscates Bologna and Cheese at El Paso Border Crossing


According to an October 27th announcement, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) recently interdicted illegal attempted importation of commercial quantities of bologna and cheese. Both cases involved U.S. citizens crossing from Mexico.  The bologna confiscation involved 484 lbs. of product.  The cheese importation amounted to 285 lbs.  The smugglers were fined $1,000 each as a civil penalty for failure to declare merchandise.


Importation of bologna represents a danger of introducing both foodborne and animal diseases.  Dairy products, including soft cheeses favored by Latino consumers in the U.S., are frequently contaminated with pathogens including Listeria.


It would appear that there is a market for Mexican-style bologna in the U.S.  If product were to be produced in the U.S. and provide similar taste, texture and presentation, the need for illegal importation with attendant risks would be minimized.