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Some U.K. Supermarkets Restricting Egg Purchases


Depending on company supply chains and availability of eggs, some U.K. supermarkets have imposed limits on purchases of eggs.  These include Asda, Lidl, Tesco, Morrison’s and Ocado, with limits of two to three boxes ranging from 6-12 eggs.  In contrast, Sainsbury’s, Waitrose and the Co-op have not imposed limits.


Concurrent with restrictions, all eggs have increased in price by as much as 50 percent from January 2022.


Invariably Avian Influenza is cited as a reason for the apparent shortage of eggs and high retail prices.  The Department of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (equivalent to the USDA) estimates that 2.3 million hens out of a total population of 40 million have been culled since October.  A five percent reduction should not have resulted in a severe shortage requiring rationing, especially as eggs are available from the E.U. The notices announcing restrictions may be a marketing ploy especially if shelves are regularly re-stocked.

Due to the risk of HPAI, the Chief Veterinary Officer of the U.K. has issued an order to confine all poultry to houses, resulting in the re-designation of “free-range” eggs as “barn eggs”.  The high price of feed and energy, in addition to lower wholesale prices paid by packers, has resulted in many small-scale farmers ceasing production, contributing to the shortage.