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Conagra Brands Recalls Canned Sausages


The Fort Madison, IA. plant (P4247) operated by Conagra Brands Inc. is recalling 1,290 tons of canned meat and poultry products.  A packaging defect in cans was detected that may cause product to become contaminated without a visible sign to consumers.  The problem was detected when plant management notified FSIS after observing leaking cans from multiple production dates.


The recalled items include Armour Chicken Vienna Sausage with a “best if used before December 20, 2024” date and Armour Chicken Vienna Sausage in six packs with “use by” dates ranging from December 11, 2024 to January 8, 2025)


Product was distributed nationwide and given “use by” dates will still be in pantries.  The plant also produces Vienna sausages under the Goya, Prairie Belt, Hargis House, Grace Chicken, and Great Value brands.