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Kroger Opens Ocado Facility in Florida


Kroger announced the opening of a 60,000 square foot “spoke” facility equipped with Ocado automated handling in Opa-Locka, FL.  This location will be capable of delivering groceries along an I-95 corridor from Port St. Lucie in the north to Homestead in the south.  The “spoke will receive product from the customer fulfillment center in Groveland, FL. 


Kroger intends to establish thirteen Ocado spokes ranging in size from 40,000 to 80,000 square feet each, with a delivery radius of 200 miles.  Currently ten “spokes” are in operation.  Since May 2018 when Kroger established a U.S. partnership with Ocado Group of the U.K., seventeen customer fulfillment centers ranging from 135,000 to 375,000 square feet have been planned with seven in operation.