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Agricultural Trade Mission to Japan



USDA Members of Trade Mission. Under Secretary Alexis M. Taylor (third from right

USDA Under Secretary for Trade and Foreign Agriculture Affairs, Alexis M. Taylor is leading an agricultural trade mission to Japan that started June 5th.  The delegation will include 40 U.S. agribusiness concerns, exporters and representatives of producers’ associations.


Japan is the fourth-largest market for U.S. food and agriculture exports that totaled $14.6 billion in 2022.  Products included soybeans, dairy, and other foods representing almost a quarter of imported agricultural requirements for Japan. In 2021 Japan imported 11,796 metric tons of egg products valued at $41.6 million. In 2022 quantity fell by 27 percent but a 25 percent higher unit value of  $2,532 per metric ton constrained the decline in value to $39.5 million. With the conclusion of a bilateral trade agreement with Japan, the U.S. is no longer at a competitive disadvantage with respect to the E.U., and also the nations of the Trans-Pacific Trade Partnership from which the U.S. injudiciously withdrew in 2019.  The importance of this trade mission is confirmed by participation by the state Commissioners of Agriculture for Indiana, Kentucky, Nebraska, North Dakota, California, Georgia and Washington.


Participants in the trade mission will interact with government agencies and potential importers in Japan and will be able to directly evaluate market opportunities. Under-Secretary Taylor noted, “It is an incredible honor to lead this delegation as we work to expand our bilateral trade relationships even further.”