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Pressure Over Mexican Corn Ban


Led by Rep. Adrian Smith (R-NE), Chairman of the Ways and Means Trade Subcommittee and Rep. Michelle Fischbach (R-MN), 62 members of Congress have called on US Trade Representative Katherine Tai to apply all possible measures to reverse a proposed ban by Mexico on GMO corn from the U.S. Given that a $30 billion export market is at risk, Ambassador Tai was urged to initiate a USMCA dispute action that has taken place.


The members of Congress signing the letter support the statements made by Ambassador Tai in testimony to Congress that “Mexico policies are written to cause serious economic harm to U.S. farmers and will stifle innovation that promotes global food security.”  The U.S. initiated USMCA Technical Consultations over an agreed 30-day period.  The period has lapsed without any resolution

What are they going to eat--Havn't thought it through

In their communication to Ambassador Tai the member of Congress stated, “Perhaps most importantly lack of action would create a dangerous precedent that promises made under USMCA and other trade agreements by extension can be ignored without consequences.”  They added, “USMCA must be enforced in its entirety and agricultural commitments must be addressed with the same vigor that USTR has approached on other aspects of the agreement, including labor.”

It now appears that Canada will support the U.S. to maintain their rights under th USMCA.