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Interim Director of EIC Appointed


Dr. Brett Ramirez has been appointed Interim Director of the Egg Industry Center located on the campus of Iowa State University. Since April 2023, Dr. Ramirez has served as the Assistant Director assisting Dr. Richard Gates who sadly passed in November.


Dr. Ramirez holds appointments as an Associate Professor in the Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering with research and extension responsibilities. His research relating to the egg industry includes livestock housing, ventilation, energy efficiency and environmental control.  He was a key collaborator in the review of the 2022 Environmental Protection Agency Draft Emissions Model.


Dr. Ramirez earned Bachelors’ and Masters’ degrees in agricultural and biological engineering from the University of Illinois and a Doctoral degree in agricultural engineering from Iowa State in 2017.  He received the 2021 Young Engineer of the Year award from the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers.


In accepting the interim position, Dr. Ramirez stated, “My goal is to continue the great things that Dr. Rich Gates started and to add my unique style to accomplishing and furthering those goals.” He added, “I will strive to drive the EIC mission forward and ensure we achieve our goals supporting the Nation’s egg industry through evidence-based research.”